22 aug 2024 · Director Saara Cantell made a documentary about Finnish acting legend Anneli Sauli (1932–2022) because: “The surprises and staggering events in ...
2. Annelin aika – The Northern Star - Arthouse Cinema Niagara
Spoken in Finnish, subtitles in English! Anneli Sauli, a legendary Finnish movie star, was a brave woman who was labelled a sex symbol at a young age. This ...
Jos ostoskorissa on tuotteita, näet ne tässä.
3. Onneli ja Anneli subtitles | 2 subtitles
Onneli ja Anneli subtitles. AKA: Jill and Joy. When two best friends Jill and Joy find a huge sum of money on the street on the first day of the summer ...
Onneli ja Anneli subtitles. AKA: Jill and Joy. When two best friends Jill and Joy find a huge sum of money on the street on the first day of the summer holiday, they decide to buy a house from the mysterious Mrs. Rosebud. It’s a real dream house: measured and equipped exactly for two little seven-year-old girls’ requirements. Based on a beloved children’s book, Jill and Joy is a story of a dream summer without parents or boundaries. Anything can and will happen as reality and fantasy magically intertwine.
4. Here We Are (Movies that Matter 21 okt) - Filmhuis Lumen
7 okt 2021 · EXPAT CINEMA + English subtitles · FilmClub. Dé plek waar ... Anneli is na haar studies als architect aan de slag gegaan. Mick is ...
Prachtig verhaal vol humor over de worsteling van een toegewijde vader, en de moeilijke keuzes die komen kijken bij het zorgen voor iemand met een mentale beperking. Met gastspreker, alleen op donderdag 21 oktober. De gastsprekers zijn Anneli Kramer en Mick van der Wegen. Anneli is na haar studies als architect aan de slag gegaan. Mick is professor aan de TU Delft. Haast twintig jaar geleden is hun dochter Zide geboren met een stevige beperking. Samen hebben Anneli en Mick de zorg voor haar gedragen naast de opvoeding van hun twee jongere kinderen en naast hun loopbanen. Nu gaat de oudste dochter, bijna 20 jaar oud, wonen op een andere beschermende plek. Anneli en Mick gaan samen de uitdaging aan om met de bezoekers op 21 oktober hun ervaringen en overwegingen te delen.
5. Search for - KI PLAY - Karolinska Institutet
English subtitles. ... This videos shows how to handle request access submited by user. ... In English. ... What do teachers think of Two2Tango, the online ...
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6. Nordic Oscar Contenders: - Scandinavia House
He and his big brother Ilkka (Jari Virman) are the sons of a helpless and unpredictable single mother (Anneli Karppinen). ... | In Finnish with English subtitles.
TUES – 1-6-2015 – 7:00 PM $10 ($7 ASF Members)
See AlsoIso4all | Zoetermeer (62565559)
7. Connected Alone by Arja Anneli Kastinen - Research Catalogue
... videos from YouTube (Videos 9–11). Two of them have subtitles explaining the details of the playing technique and the tradition. The music is improvised. The ...
Introduction I wrote the first version of this exposition in September 2021, and since then the world has dramatically changed. The war in Ukraine and the shock of seeing the consequences of the brutal aggression of Russia have made everything look different. Although daily work has often felt meaningless amid the news flow, I have also found reassurance in the fact that the long-term and determined grassroots action of all pro-democracy activists concerning equality and general well-being is now even more important than before. I can and I should use my daily work to strengthen the values important to me. I argue that the aesthetics and the philosophy of musical improvisation within the subject of my research can be used as a tool for learning and strengthening democratic interaction. I call it the dialogue of creativity. My research focuses on the cultural-historical background of improvised kantele music as a part of the Finnic runosong culture, its aesthetic-philosophical nature and its potential present-day applications. In the remote areas of the Ladoga and Aunus (Olonets) Karelia, the 19th-century illiterate kantele players retained a distinctive way of improvisation which they called soittaa omaa mahtia– “playing one’s own power” (– the word "power" in this context means inner strength and knowledge). In this article, I call it inner power improvisation. It included both shorter improvisations directed at other people and introverted hours-long improvisations in an a...
8. Subtitles in English Archives - Midnight Sun Film Festival
11th - 15th June 2025 Midnight Sun Film Festival Sodankylä Lapland Finland Movies: Subtitles in English
9. Anneli von Knorring - Enchanted Duo
... video. But what if we could find someone nearby instead of ... So, for those as geeky as I am, here's the full lyrics in both English and Old Norse.
But then, I’m also a singer. And the song is linked to my heart. So not being able to sing is devastating. That feeling of watching you passion take wings and fly off without you. A profound sense of hopelessness.
10. Replacements - MHz Choice
DRAMA | FINLAND | FINNISH WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES | TV-14 A gripping Finnish ... Replacements: The Case of Anneli Jaakkola. 42:55 · Replacements: The Case ...
DRAMA | FINLAND | FINNISH WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES | TV-14 A gripping Finnish medical drama set in the cutting-edge world of genetics and cloning.
11. Yule! - Zefiro Torna, Meskerem Mees & Lore Binon
19 dec 2024 · CC/Subtitles. Off. English (auto-generated) CC. Customize. Preview ... Anneli Tulioja 3 Anneli Tulioja Anneli Tulioja. 2- Joke Hendrix Joke ...
Pianowizard en componist Jean-Luc Fafchamps maakt op maat van het ensemble hedendaagse arrangementen voor een bijzonder instrumentarium met folkgitaar, viool, theorbe, luit, cimbalom, percussie en prepared piano. De muzikale sleutelwoorden zijn frict...